Meeeting with Giacomo Filibeck
Sede del Parlamento Europeo Place du Luxembourg 100, 1050, Bruxelles, Bélgica, BélgicaMeeeting with Giacomo Filibeck
Meeeting with Giacomo Filibeck
PES Presidency
Interview with "20 Minutos"
Meeting with K Fleckenstein
Meeting with Stefano Mallia
Meeting with Barbara Durkhop and Eider Gardiazábal
Reunión Programa Marco PSOE Elecciones Europeas 2024nes
Mission to Bucharest (Romania)
S&D Bureau & Heads of Delegation meeting
TV Interview at DIGI 24
Meeting with PSD hosts
S&D Bureau & Heads of Delegation meeting with PSD Ministers and President of the Chamber of Deputies